Managing Your Cars

Car List

To manage your car collection, select "Garage" from the "My Home" screen, then select "Car List".

Your Car List is divided between your Garage, where the cars you drive most often are kept, and your Stockyard, where the rest of your collection is stored. Think about how often you drive a car when deciding where you want to store it. Up to 500 cars can be kept in your Garage, while your Stockyard has enough room for 9,999 cars.

Cars you acquire from Dealerships and via other means are kept in the Garage section of the Car List. Be sure to move cars to your Stockyard as your Garage starts to fill up.

You can change the order in which the cars in your Garage and Stockyard are displayed, and filter which cars are displayed. This is done using the options on the far-left of the Car List screen.

Place the cursor over a car in your Car List and the following options will become available:

× Button: Open the Car Details screen.
Button: Sort the Car List.
SELECT Button: Edit.

You can sort your Car List by date used, date acquired, PP, power, weight, or year. Each sort method can also be reversed (e.g. when sorting using "by date used", you can view the car you used most recently first, or last). The "Edit" option can be used on multiple cars at once. To use the "Edit" option, place a tick in the tick box next to each car you wish to perform an action on, then select the action you wish to perform.


The following options are available from the Car Details screen. The options available vary depending on whether the car is in the Garage or the Stockyard.

  • Change Car
  • Move to Stockyard/Garage
  • Add to Favourites (Cars that are in the Stockyard cannot be added to your favourites.)
  • Update Car Image(s)
  • Sell (Some cars cannot be sold.)

External parts and wheels you have purchased for a car may not be visible at first. In such cases, please select the "Update Car Image(s)" option.

Related Pages
- Performance Points
- Car Settings
- Viewing a Car's Catalogue Performance