

*The online services for “Gran Turismo 6” have been terminated. This function can no longer be used.

The messaging feature allows you to exchange written messages with individual friends. You can read messages you've received from friends and send messages of your own. If you have received new messages from your friends, a red circle will be displayed on the message icon in My Home, indicating the number of new messages you have received. Selecting "Messages" from My Home will take you to the "Messages" section of the Community area.

Select "Messages" from My Home or from the Community area to display your message list. Friends with whom you've exchanged messages are displayed on your message list, along with your most recent messages. Select a friend to view all the messages that have been exchanged with that friend.

When viewing the messages that have been exchanged between you and a friend, the following options are available from the right side of the screen:
  • Profile: View your friend's public profile.
  • Write Message: Write a message.
  • Delete All: Delete all messages exchanged with this friend.

To send a message to a friend with whom you haven't exchanged messages before, select "New Message" from the left side of the screen. Choose the friend to whom you'd like to send the message from "Select Recipient", and the Message Entry Screen will be displayed. When you've finished entering your message, select "OK" from the right side of the Message Entry Screen, and your message will be sent.

Exchanging Messages with Players who Aren't Friends
To exchange messages with a player you haven't added as a friend, both you and the other player must have ticked the "Messaging with Non-Friends" box on the Public Profile Settings Screen. Messages can be sent in the following ways:
  • Press the X button to select a player from the list of members displayed in the Open Lobby's Room Screen. The player's information will be displayed. Select "Send Message" to send them a message.
  • Press the X button to select a player from the a Seasonal Event's Online Rankings.The player's information will be displayed. Select "Send Message" to send them a message.
  • Access a club on, and select the player to whom you'd like to send a message from the list of members displayed on the club's top page. The player's information will be displayed. Select "Send Message" to send them a message.
  • To send a message to a club owner: Select the club owner's Online ID from the club's top page. Select "Send Message" from their public profile to send them a message.
  • To send a message to a player who has written a comment in a forum: Open the relevant topic from the club's forum page, select a comment written by the player, then select the arrow icon on the right side of the screen. On the screen that appears, select "Profile", then select "Send Message" from the player's public profile to send them a message.
  • To reply to a player who has sent you a message: Select the message from the message list, then select "Write Message" from the right side of the screen. Write your message, and select "OK" to send it.
  • To invite a non-friend to join a club, please use the Community features on For details, please refer to "Invitation Settings, on the "Connect to" page in the "Community" section of this manual.
    Related Pages
    - Clubs
    - Friends
    - My Page
    - News
    - Photo Stream
    - Timeline
    - Connect to