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Introducing the 2020 Nations Cup World Finalists!

The 16 competitors who have advanced to the "FIA Gran Turismo Championships" 2020 Series Nations Cup World Finals were revealed on Tuesday, December 8.

The World Finals will be fought by the top drivers from the Nations Cup Regional Finals, plus the Nations Cup winner from the "World Tour 2020 - Sydney" live event.

Here is the list of each region's qualifiers.

2020 Nations Cup World Finals Competitors

Europe/Middle East/Africa Region

- Spain/Coque López (Williams_Coque14)
- Spain/Jose Serrano (PR1_JOSETE)
- France/Baptiste Beauvois (PRiMA_TsuTsu)
- Italy/Valerio Gallo (Williams_BRacer)
- Hungary/Ádám Tápai (TRL_ADAM18)
- Hungary/Patrik Blazsán (Williams_Fuvaros)
- Netherlands/Rick Kevelham (HRG_RK23)
- Italy/Giorgio Mangano (Williams_Gio)

Americas Region

- Brazil/Adriano Carrazza (KoA_Didico15)
- Chile/Angel Inostroza (YASHEAT_Loyrot)
- Canada/Andrew Brooks (PX7-Deafsun)
- Brazil/Lucas Bonelli (TGT_BONELLI)

Asia-Oceania Region

- Japan/Takuma Miyazono (Kerokkuma_ej20) / "World Tour 2020 - Sydney" Winner
- Japan/Ryota Kokubun (Akagi_1942mi)
- Japan /Tomoaki Yamanaka (yamado_racing38)
- Australia/Cody Nikola Latkovski (Nik_Makozi)

For more information about the competitors, go to the Competitors page. Further details on the World Finals tournament format and overview can be found at FIA Gran Turismo Championship Overview and World Finals.

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