Tutorial - Gradation
Livery Editor
Let's try to apply some "Gradated Paint" to the rear half of the body. Select "Decal" from the Livery Editor menu.
Select "Body" from the Edit Area menu, and select "Add Layer" from the right-hand side of the screen.
For the camera option, select '"Left".
Select a decal from the selection of presets under "Shape 2".
The chosen decal will be given a provisional place on the body. By default the decal will be white, which may make it difficult to see. In such a case, exit the decal editing screen and adjust the color under "Decal Color", then return to the decal editing screen.
Using the L1 button and the right stick, reduce the horizontal width of the decal until the gradation inverts. Alternatively, you can select "Flip Horizontally" from the Layer Controls.
Using the right stick, enlarge the decal until it is tall enough to encompass the full height of the car. Then, using the left stick, move the decal towards the rear end of the car. Using the L1 button and the right stick you can alter the aspect ratio of the decal allowing you to adjust the width of the gradation.
From this angle, press the ○ button to exit editing mode and then select "Set Projection Area". Adjust the "Angle Limit" and "Depth Limit" until the decal is covering half of the rear face of the body. After you've finished your adjustments, press "OK".