Event Race
World Circuits
Event races take place under different regulations that have been determined by the sponsoring track. You can enter a race by selecting an event tile on the Event Selection Screen.
The Event Selection Screen can be understood as follows: Displays PP restrictions and the number of laps. A race with no PP restriction will show "No Limit." Otherwise, it will show the restricted PP value. For example, A PP 720 race is restricted to cars with a PP of 720 or less.
Displays the event name.
Displays your past results. Only your best record will be reflected. For events at which gift cars can be won, it will also display a thumbnail of the gift car, the conditions for winning it, and whether you have won it.
The reward for placing in first. The amount of the reward will be reduced for both second- and third-place finishes.
A high-difficulty race event. Difficulty is indicated by chili pepper icons—the greater the number, the more difficult the race.
Event Details Screen
Once you have selected an event, you will come to the Event Details Screen. Select "Enter" to begin the event. Races without PP restrictions will have a "Recommended PP" listed next to the event name. This will help players decide which car to choose and what sort of tuning to apply.
The following information is available:
Race Information
Displays the number of laps and starting grid information, as well as the number of cars competing in the race.
Displays the conditions that need to be cleared in order to enter a race. This may include a specific PP, vehicle type, origin of manufacture or license. Regulations not met by your current vehicle will be displayed in red. To change your car, select "Change Car" at the bottom of the screen. To adjust your settings, select "Car Settings." If your car exceeds the required PP limits, you will need to reduce you car's performance. To do this, go to "Car Settings" -> "Detailed Settings" -> "Performance Adjustment". Please refer to the "Car Settings" -> "About Car Settings" section of this manual for more details.
Displays the reward you can win for finishing in each place.
Main Rival Cars
Displays the main rival cars competing in the race.
Car Restrictions
Displays all tuning, car, and setting restrictions.
Race Settings
Indicates whether or not mechanical damage has been enabled.
Penalty Settings
Indicates whether or not short-cut or wall-collision penalties have been enabled.
Select the "i" button at the bottom of the screen to receive car recommendations for a given race. Select the "Race Shop" button to purchase tires and other parts.